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#22 - Wildlife Out The Windows

A bison swimming across the Yellowstone River from Yellowstone National Park to our property.

So what to do in the face of such troubles throughout the world? How can one artist help? Should I continue on this blogging path I've been on? A bit of a pivot is appropriate to consider during these unprecedented times.

But yes, I'm feeling like continuing on is the right thing for me to do. As you have seen from this blog, I just keep plugging away - even when things get tough. So why stop now? I've had so many nice comments from so many of you, telling me how much you are enjoying the posts.

More than ever, I want to bring a bit of the natural world to you along with some creative inspiration or even just a break from the barrage of news and updates on the current issues facing us. They will be there waiting - but for now I offer a diversion. Maybe that is how one artist can help...?

As luck will have it, my next blog topic was going to be on the wildlife we see right from our property - out the windows, from the deck - sometimes even sleeping in the yard! Over the years, I have taken so many photos from right here, and I'd love to share a few of my favorites with you now.

Come to my window for just a minute...Take a deep breath, let out some of the stress and soak in the beauty of the landscape and wildlife...

Full moon over Electric Peak
An otter basking in the sun on a rock in the Yellowstone River.
A Northern Harrier resting on a post in the yard.
I watched the birth of these twin pronghorn fawns - from my deck! Brand new, just learning to walk...
A kestrel landing on a branch in the yard.
A brand new mule deer fawn 'stashed' on our property.
A Northern Flicker flying over the Yellowstone River, taken from my studio windows above.
I've always liked this 'art shot' of an eagle flying low over the Yellowstone River.
More otters - this time with a fish in the snow.
A bobcat in the tree out my window.

Signs of Spring are now coming to Yellowstone - bison are migrating, many coming north, right out my windows this evening. Grizzlies are beginning to emerge from their dens, and the first ospreys are returning. The world spins on.

We are in this together and we will get through it. One day at a time. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and be safe.

Nature can bring you to stillness, that is its gift to you.

– Eckhart Tolle


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